Corporate actions calendar

You can use the corporate action calendar to participate in the corporate action based on a share that the client holds at record date. The corporate action calendar displays all active or open corporate actions and provides detailed information on the offer. You can see the status of the offer and if an online election is required.

We’ll let you know when an offer is open for elections. You’ll receive auto-generated reminders to alert you that a corporate action election is available for some of your clients.

Go to corporate actions calendar and see eligible clients:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Transacting from the side navigation panel
  3. Select Corporate Actions
  4. Select Corporate Actions Calendar from the options
  5. Under the Client Action drop down menu, select View Eligible Clients.

Here you can view the current election status of each account. The election status types are:

  • No response – no election saved for the account
  • Pending – the election is saved and pending authorisation
  • Authorised – an election has been submitted and will be processed by our corporate actions team
  • Lapse – client does not wish to participate
  • Error – there is an error with the election, which must be corrected before the election can be saved/authorised.

Make an election for eligible clients

You can make an election for eligible clients on the corporate action calendar by selecting either ‘view outstanding elections’ or ‘view eligible clients’. This will take you to the corporate action election page.

A summary of the available election options will appear at the top of the page. You can choose to place bulk or individual elections. 

We must receive your instructions by 6pm AEST on the published Wrap close date of the action (the cut-off date), unless we specify otherwise. The close date is listed on the left-hand side of the corporate actions calendar.

For the issuance of new securities, we must generally be given instructions eight business days prior to the published close date. Any elections made after this date won’t be accepted.

If your client has insufficient cash to participate in the corporate action, they can elect a status of ‘No response’. No election will be saved for the account and they can elect once they have sufficient funds in their account if prior to the Wrap close date. 

There is no option to make an election post the Wrap close date. By making an election, you have confirmed that you have read the documentation and communicated this with your client. 

Making changes to an instruction

Once an election is authorised, the client record is locked down. We then forward your instructions to the share registry. Please note that online elections will be submitted as a final instruction to the issuing registry. No changes will be made.

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