Grouping Wrap accounts

You can group some of your clients’ accounts together to make them easier to manage. Grouping can be useful when a client or their family holds multiple Wrap accounts.

Your clients won’t be able to see the other accounts in their account group unless you request otherwise (see below).

The form to create and amend account groups can be found at Adviser Tools by searching ‘account grouping’.

Types of account groups

Reporting Group

You can generate reports across different products for up to 20 accounts within the group. This includes a Portfolio Review report for the nominated group.

An account can be in multiple reporting groups. Where a group is both a reporting group and a fee group, a maximum of eight accounts in the group will apply.

Family Discount

You can group your client’s relevant family members for a 20% discount to be applied to each tier of the administration fees for each account. The minimum monthly fee will be applicable on each account. Read more in Family discounts.

Request to view other accounts in the group

Your clients will only see accounts linked to their Access Code. They won’t be able to see other accounts in their group. This gives you and your client comfort that clients can benefit from any applicable account grouping fee discounts while also ensuring they’re not sacrificing their own privacy. 

If your clients want to give another individual access to view their account, they still have that option. They’ll just need to complete a Grow Wrap Third Party Authority form or Voyage Third Party Authority form confirming their authorisation to us.   

The forms can also be found at Adviser Tools by searching for ‘third party authority’ in the search bar.

Closed accounts and fee discounts

If an account is closed part way through the month, it will be treated as an individual account for fee purposes. The closed account will not be considered part of the group for fee calculating purposes from, and including, the month the account was closed.

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