What you need

If you’d like to open an account for a minor (i.e. anyone under that age of 18) you will need to provide some additional documents to us. This is in addition to the regular Account opening process

Superannuation Accounts

You can set up a superannuation account in the name of a minor provided the account is operated by a parent or guardian. 
We require a completed Superannuation application signed by the parent/guardian. Please note, a minor doesn’t need to sign this application. If the minor is over the age of 16, we may accept an application signed by them, as they may have started work and be receiving their own employer contributions. 
We’ll also need the following:

  • a certified copy of the minor’s birth certificate
  • Client and the parent/guardian must complete AML/CTF forms
  • The TFN of the minor. 

You can find the above form by searching for 'individual and sole trader' on Adviser Tools

When the minor turns age 18, they must agree to our terms and conditions by signing a new application form. Their account number and details will remain unchanged after signing the new application form. 

Pension Accounts

Members can nominate either part or all their death benefit to be paid as a child pension to one or more of their dependent children. A member can nominate a child pension by completing the following: 

  • a Non-lapsing Death Benefit Nomination form nominating the child as a beneficiary, and
  • a Child Pension Schedule outlining the terms of the pension. 

Child pensions must meet the normal payment rules for pensions, including minimum annual payment requirements. 

When the child turns age 18, they must agree to our terms and conditions by signing a new application form. 

Investment Accounts

Investment accounts can only be opened for a minor under a formal trust arrangement. The account name must be in the name of the trustee/s of the Trust and all trustees will be required to accept/sign the application to open an account for a minor. 

We’ll also need a certified copy/extract of the Trust Deed showing the trust name, trustee(s) name(s), beneficial owner(s) name(s), trustee(s) signature(s) with witness’ signatures.

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