What is Automatic Rebalancing?

Automatic rebalancing is one of the automated investment management tools that helps you to manage your client’s portfolio balances. It can help you maintain your client’s portfolio in line with their original investment strategy. It does this by rebalancing their portfolio according to predetermined investment allocation. Automatic Rebalancing is not available on Grow Wrap products.

Setting up an Automatic Rebalancing plan (Voyage Only)

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Clients under the Adviser Online icon and click Wrap account administration
  3. Select Maintain an investment account OR Maintain a superannuation account OR Maintain a pension account
  4. Search for the account using either the account name or number
  5. Click Enter or maintain automatic rebalancing
  6. Select a frequency for the automatic rebalancing to occur
  7. Enter a start date
  8. Enter a final date or select Until further notice
  9. Enter a rebalancing tolerance percentage. Rebalancing won’t occur if the difference between the portfolio percentages and rebalancing percentages are within the specified tolerance level
  10. Enter the Next rebalance date if you desire. Please note that this date must be at least three months after the plan was established or last run.
  11. Click Continue to confirm the changes. 

New plans or updates to existing plans won’t be saved until authorised by you or associates in your office with full transact authority. 

When setting up Automatic Rebalancing for a retail client, advisers will be required to confirm that personal advice has been provided recommending the account holder/s invest in each of the products within the Automatic Rebalancing plan. 

When does Automatic Rebalancing occur? 

Automatic Rebalancing plans occur on the 24th of each month. When that falls on a weekend, the plan will run the following business day. You can choose the plan to run quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. 

Minimum Payments

There is a minimum payment required for Automatic Cash Management plans of $50 per order. For rebalancing to activate, the orders created must be greater than the minimum order amount for the product.  


If you have set up adviser transaction fees on the account, you can elect to have those applied to transactions when setting up the Automatic Rebalancing plan. 

No other transaction fees apply. 

Cancelling an Automatic Rebalancing plan

To cancel an Automatic Rebalancing Plan today: 

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Clients under the Adviser Online icon and click Wrap account administration
  3. Click Administration
  4. Select Maintain an investment account OR Maintain a superannuation account OR Maintain a pension account
  5. Search for the account using either the account name or number
  6. Click Enter or maintain automatic rebalancing
  7. Select the investment with the white button and click Modify
  8. To cancel today, enter today’s date in the Final payment date field
  9. Click Continue to confirm the changes.

Cancelling Automatic Rebalancing at a future date

You can also cancel a plan at a future date. To do that, navigate to the Automatic rebalancing page as above. Then, instead of adding today’s date, enter the last day of the month for which you want the plan to end in the Final payment date field. 

You can only have one automated investment plan on an account at one time. You can see if your client has any existing plans. For more information, read Check automated plans.

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