Reporting options

There are some reporting options available that let you run reports across all your dealer code(s).

To run a report at a dealer level:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Reporting and click Dealer reporting
  3. Here you have the option to:
    • generate a report across all dealer accounts
    • download files, including transactions, account details and reports.

Download transactions

Download transactions allows you to download reports across investment, super and pension accounts, including investment transactions, cash transactions and income transactions.

Download account details

Download account details allows you to generate an Excel report across a dealer level that includes account numbers, names, client details including address, contact number, TFN status and DRP election.

Download reports

Download reports allows you to run a range of reports across a dealer code:

  1. Select the adviser code
  2. Select the report you wish to generate, then select Continue.

These reports include:

  • Holdings by account
  • Remuneration report
  • Account listing
  • Preset portfolio
  • Preset holdings
  • Accounts with a preset holding
  • FUA by adviser
  • FUA by product
  • Accounts by adviser
  • Accounts by product.

If a report you’ve selected doesn’t appear, you may have ‘Pop-Up Blockers’ activated on your computer. You’ll need to switch off the Pop-Up Blockers to be able to view the selected reporting.

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