Reports and statements with performance data

This guide provides information on how performance returns are calculated for Wrap reports and statements. The reports and statements that include performance data are:

Online reporting

  • Performance screen on Adviser Online
  • Report builder on Adviser Online
  • Portfolio Review Report (PRR) on Wrap Online
  • Performance Over Time Report on Wrap Online
  • Portfolio Summary on Wrap Online
  • Portfolio Snapshot on Wrap Online


  • Periodic statements
  • Super and pension annual and exit statements

Levels of performance reporting

We provide performance reporting at three levels:

  • Group-level performance (PRR only)
  • Account-level performance
  • Security-level performance

View group-level performance

The Portfolio Review Report (PRR) can be used to provide information for a group of accounts. This will help you produce an online overview of account activity for a group of clients over a period.

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Reporting and Portfolio Review
  3. Search for the accounts you want to generate the report for, by entering the account name or number in the search bar
  4. Click Apply accounts
  5. The report default date range is Last Financial Year.

You can also search for account groups and generate reports for any ad-hoc groups you create.

Note: You may notice some differences between the figures on the PRR and the Performance page in Adviser Online. Adviser Online only should be referenced for account level performance, and the PRR should be used to calculate performance on a group of client accounts.

View account-level performance

You can locate a comprehensive view of your client’s account-level performance on the ‘Performance’ page in Adviser Online:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Search for your client’s account in the global search bar in the header
  3. Select the Performance tab within the account.

Account-level performance summary return ‘rules’

  • TWRR or MWRR methodologies are available for calculating performance summary returns, except for periods less than 12 months, where only MWRR is available.
  • Returns for periods less than 12 months aren’t annualised.
  • Managed funds are valued using cumulative (cum) pricing.
  • Performance calculations generally include income and expenses (including taxes) if applicable. Please refer to the frequently asked questions below for an explanation of instances where some transactions may be excluded.

View security-level performance

You can locate a comprehensive view of your client’s security-level performance on the ‘Performance’ page in Adviser Online:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Search for your client’s account in the global search bar in the header
  3. Select the Performance tab within the account
  4. Select the Security detail sub-tab.

Security-level performance summary return ‘rules’

  • Security performance isn’t available for Direct Cash, Instalment Warrants or any Other assets.
  • If the security was transferred in after the report start date, then the opening value used in the security performance calculation is as at the date the security was transferred in. Otherwise, the opening value used is as at report start date.
  • Security performance is calculated for the most recent holding of security within the reporting period selected. If a corporate action, redemption or trust restructure affects the holding period for a security, during the date range you have selected, then a warning message will appear on the Performance Security detail page telling you the dates that were used in the calculation.

Money Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR)

MWRR is a percentage that measures the performance of an investment or a portfolio by considering the timing and amount of cash inflows and outflows. 

How MWRR figures are calculated

MWRR calculations are generated as at the date of the report, for the time period requested.

Account-level MWRR calculation

(Closing portfolio value - Opening porfolio value - Net Capital Flows) / (Opening portfolio value + Sum of the Weighted Capital Flows)

Security-level MWRR calculation

(Closing value – Opening value – Net Capital Flows) + Income accrued] / (Opening value + Sum of the weighted Capital Flows)

Time Weighted Rate of Return (TWRR)

TWRR is a percentage that measures the performance of an investment irrespective of the amount invested, effectively measuring the performance an investment would have obtained had the personal cash flows not occurred. The weight of the personal cash flows invested at any point in time doesn’t impact the final return calculation. As such, TWRR is generally comparable to benchmark indices.

How TWRR figures are calculated

TWRR calculations for all investments are calculated daily to obtain the most accurate results. The daily figures are then compounded to obtain returns for any required period.

TWRR calculation

(Closing portfolio value – Opening portfolio value – Net Capital Flows) / (Opening portfolio + Net Capital Flows)/2)

Distributions and dividends

‘Distributions’ includes an income that is derived from fixed interest assets including term deposits and managed funds, as well as other assets that fit into the two categories.

In contrast, ‘dividends received’ includes income derived from instalment warrants and listed securities, as well as other assets that fit into the two categories.

Distribution and dividend income accruals

Accrued income is taken into consideration when calculating the performance except where income distribution occurs on the report end date. Where the income distribution occurs on the report end date, the accrued income isn’t considered in the performance calculation. 

Note: Where income distribution occurs on the day prior to the start date of the performance report, the performance will be calculated using a higher opening value. This is due to the cumulative price being used and the accrued income from the period prior not being considered in the calculation. This income isn’t considered as the income was accrued outside of the reporting period. 

Franking credits

Franking credits aren’t factored in our performance reports. However, for super and pension accounts the capital flows calculation includes any tax-related cash transactions such as contributions tax, tax on income, tax credits on fees, and PAYG tax.

Frequently asked questions

How is the performance summary income return calculated?

Income return = Total income received for the period selected / Closing portfolio x 100

How is market movement calculated?

Market movement represents any unrealised growth. It also acts as a balancing figure and is calculated as follows:

Market movement = Closing balance – Opening balance – Capital inflows – Capital outflows – Income – Expense – Realised gains.

Please note: Unlike Adviser Online and other Wrap Online and statement reporting, the PRR doesn’t contain a market movement figure.

What is ‘Net earnings tax’ made up of?

Net earnings tax is composed of tax on interest paid, tax on distribution income, dividend income, tax on rebates, tax credits and any tax calculation adjustments.

How are Net Capital Flows calculated?

Net Capital Flows = Additions – Capital outflows

What is the Sum of the weighted Capital Flows?

Sum of the weighted Capital Flows = Sum of [Capital Flows x (Days in Period – Days of Cashflow in Period)] / Days in the period

What is the start date used for online performance reporting?

The PRR report allows the report to be generated using a start date before the date that the account was funded. This can impact the performance calculation. Adviser Online performance reporting will use a start date from the date the account has been funded.

Do the performance calculations consider non-custodial assets (other assets)?

Both the PRR and the account performance report in Adviser Online includes non-custodial assets in the performance calculation.

Why are managed fund switches impacting the TWRR performance figure for super members?

In certain cases, the TWRR for a superannuation or pension account may be temporarily impacted if a managed fund switch occurred in the account late in the month. This doesn’t impact IDPS accounts.

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