To link a margin loan to an existing Wrap Investment account complete the Security Interest Pledge form which can be found on Adviser Tools. This form is to be signed by both the margin lender and investor(s). 

Note that for margin lender accounts the margin lender is the signatory and the client has enquiry authority only (all account requests that are signed by the client must also be signed by the margin lender).  

These include and are not limited to: 

  • Periodic payments from the Wrap Cash Account or Wrap Invest Cash Account
  • Direct debits
  • Cash account interest payments will be reinvested and not paid to a pre-nominated account.

Unlink a margin loan

To remove a margin loan from an existing Wrap Investment account, please complete the Security Interest Release form which can be found on Adviser Tools. This form is to be signed by both the margin lender and investor(s).

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