What is unclaimed money?

Unclaimed money (UCM) is money from lost bank accounts, shares, investments and life insurance policies. 

Bank accounts become unclaimed after 7 years if the account is inactive (no deposits or withdrawals). Life insurance policies become unclaimed 7 years after the policy matures and is not claimed. 

We are required to advise ASIC by 31 March each year of the details of each account which we intend to forward to ASIC as UCM. This information relates to the period ending 31 December from the previous calendar year. The accounts are closed and the monies forwarded to ASIC shortly thereafter and are held by ASIC/Commonwealth Government indefinitely or until it is claimed. Amounts of unclaimed money less than $500 cannot be sent to ASIC. 

Unclaimed money received by ASIC is transferred to the Commonwealth of Australia Consolidated Revenue Fund but is available to be claimed at any time by the rightful owner and there is no time limit on claims. 

How to stop your client's money from being unclaimed?

Here are some ways your client can stop their money from becoming unclaimed: 

  • Make a deposit - for bank accounts, make a small deposit or a small withdrawal at least once every 7 years
  • Update their details - if they move, change their email, change their phone number or change their name, make sure they tell their financial institution, or other organisations that they have financial arrangements with.

How can your client claim their lost money?

Step 1: Find their lost money on ASIC’s Unclaimed money search and record their Original Transaction Number (OTN) to make a claim. 

Step 2: Confirm their bank details by contacting us to begin the claims process. Generally for a client to initiate a claim for monies which were held in a Wrap Invest Cash Account or Wrap Cash Account, we request the following: 

  • A completed and signed Unclaimed Monies Claim form (ensuring the form is signed by all account holders);
  • A copy of an account statement for the bank account to where the monies are to be transferred to once returned from ASIC – this account is to be in the same name as the Wrap Invest Cash Account or Wrap Cash Account; and
  • Certified copy of photo identification for all account holders. For company accounts we require identification for two company directors, a director and secretary or a sole director. Documents must have been certified within the last 12 months, at the time of acceptance by us.

Step 3: Once their claim is approved by us, we will submit a request to ASIC. It can take approximately four to six weeks for this process. 

For more information, please visit bank accounts and bank dividends.

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