The unique code issued for a managed investment by Asia Pacific Investment Register (APIR). An APIR Code will consist of nine alpha/numeric characters and are standard identifiers for products in the financial services industry.


Stands for Australian Standard Transfer Form, otherwise known as an Off-Market Transfer Form. An ASTF is the form used to transfer managed investments and can also be used to show change in legal/beneficial ownership in both listed securities and managed investments.

Beneficial owner

A term describing the party that is ultimately entitled to receive the economic benefit of an asset, even if the asset is legally registered in the name of another entity.


When listed securities are held through a broker and if an Australian listed security is attached to a HIN.


Stands for Bond Street Custodians Limited. The Trustee and Operator has appointed BSCL to hold assets in custody for its accounts.


Stands for Change in Beneficial Ownership. This is when the beneficial owner of the assets changes from one individual or entity to another.

CGT event

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) events are trigged by a CBO. This happens when an asset is sold or transferred from one beneficial owner to another (refer to CBO above). The result is either a capital gain or capital loss.


This is the price attributed to the value of an asset being transferred to a new beneficial owner. This is normally the market price of the asset on the date of purchase.


Stands for Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures. The CUSIP will consist of nine alpha/numeric characters uniquely identifying the company or issuer and the type of security. The first six characters identify the issuer, the seventh and eighth characters identify the type of issue and the last digit is used as a check digit.


A Custodian is responsible for the safekeeping of another person’s assets. The Custodian for all Voyage and Grow Wrap accounts is BSCL.

Date of purchase

A term used to represent the effective date of transfer of an asset to a new beneficial owner. In most CBO transfer scenarios, the date of purchase is a pre-agreed date that the old and new beneficial owner place on the ASTF.

Direct holdings

When a client holds managed investments directly with the fund manager rather than with a platform/ Wrap provider (or Custodian). A client with a direct holding will be issued a unique Investor Code by the fund manager.


Stands for Holder Identification Number. One HIN can register an investor’s shareholdings in multiple companies and is used to identify the investor’s registration for broker sponsored Australian listed securities. A HIN will always start with the letter ‘X’.


Stands for International Securities Identification Number. The ISIN will consist of twelve alpha/numeric characters and are standard identifiers for international securities and domestic fixed income securities.


Stands for No Change in Beneficial Ownership. This is when an asset is transferred from one account to another (either internally or externally) without any change to the beneficial owner.


Stands for Non-Daily Priced Fund. This term relates to managed investments, commonly known as hedge funds, which feature infrequent pricing and often delayed asset transfer processing timeframes.

Off-market transfer

A term describing a non-market transaction, such as an asset transfer, as the transfer occurs 'off-market'.

Parcel history or cost base history

A record of each purchase transaction in an asset that has been adjusted for both sales and corporate actions. The parcel history or cost base history is used to determine any capital gains or losses when an asset is sold or transferred to another party or entity.


Stands for Office of State Revenue and is the Government department responsible for stamp duty.


Stands for Participant Identifier code. This code uniquely identifies a broking participant.


Stands for Shareholder Registration Number. An SRN registers an investor’s shareholding in a single company and is issued when listed securities are held as issuer sponsored. If you hold listed securities in more than one company and choose to be issuer sponsored, you’ll have a different SRN for each listed security holding. An SRN will always start with the letter ‘I’.

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