Getting started

You can transfer into super and pension accounts from an external source as a contribution on behalf of your client. 

Things you should know before you get started

  • For existing pension accounts, please also submit a client signed Voyage Pension Update Request form or Grow Wrap Pension Update Request form in addition to the requirements below
  • The assets must be available on the applicable Voyage Investment Menu or Grow Wrap Investment Menu to be held on platform
  • All transfers into superannuation accounts will occur as a change of beneficial ownership (CBO) transfer and will trigger a CGT event. This is because the beneficial owner of the account is the superannuation fund, not the member
  • Contributions must adhere to contribution caps and are subject to superannuation rules as outlined in the taxation and superannuation law
  • The client’s Tax File Number (TFN) must be provided before we can accept any personal contributions into their super account
  • For pension accounts, please ensure you don’t exceed the transfer balance cap. Pension starting values are calculated after all assets, rollovers and/or contributions are received, and may differ to the initial transfer value due to market movement.
  • The effective date of the transfer will be when we have received all the completed documents
  • The consideration will be the closing market price on that date. For estate accounts, some issuers may require additional forms
  • Where the client intends to claim a tax deduction on a personal contribution, the client must provide a valid Voyage Deduction Notice for Personal Contributions form or Grow Wrap Deduction Notice for Personal Contributions form
  • For all equity transfers that involve a Change of Beneficial Ownership, the market value must be greater than $500 as at transfer date.

Transfers in from an external platform or custodian to Super or Pension Account as a contribution

Consult the external platform/custodian before commencing the transfer and provide them with any documents/information required to initiate the transfer on their end. 

Here are the requirements for transferring broker sponsored securities and/or managed investments as a contribution from an external platform/custodian to a super or pension account:

  1. Superannuation Asset Transfer form completed with the following:
    • Account name and number of the Superannuation/Pension account
    • For personal contributions, the Personal contribution box should be ticked
    • For spousal contributions, the Spouse contribution box should be ticked
    • Value of assets
    • Form signed by the owner of the account.
  2. Account Closure and Transfer Request (provided by the external platform/custodian).
    • Send this to the external custodian and provide us a scanned copy.
  3. And if assets are being contributed from a joint, trust, company or spouse account, we’ll also require:
Joint AccountTrust AccountCompany AccountSpouse Account

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, showing the change in legal ownership and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the external account and signed by the owners of the external account
  • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Consideration: NCBO

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, showing the change in legal ownership and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the external account and signed by the owners of the external account
  • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Consideration: NCBO

2. Signed letter from the trustees/executors of the Trust, stating the following:

  • The in-specie transfer of asset(s) is a distribution to the member and;
  • The member has instructed the trustees of the trust to direct the distribution into their super account as a personal contribution

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, showing the change in legal ownership and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the external account and signed by the owners of the external account
  • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Consideration: NCBO

2. Signed letter from the trustees/executors of the Trust, stating the following:

  • The in-specie transfer of assets is a personal contribution being made on behalf of the member at their direction
  • The member is entitled to the assets and it has been correctly classified as an after-tax contribution

Personal contribution:

1. Signed letter from the Spouse with the following statement: 'I confirm that the funds are being contributed on behalf of the receiving member as an after-tax personal contribution.' This letter may be scanned and sent via email.

Spouse contribution:

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset being transferred and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the external account and signed by the owner of the external account
  • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Consideration: NCBO


Transfers in of directly held managed funds into Super or Pension account as a contribution

Consult the fund manager for any of their requirements before commencing the transfer. 

Here are the requirements for transferring managed investments as a contribution from direct holdings with the fund manager to a super or pension account:

  1. Superannuation Asset Transfer form completed with the following:
    • Account name and number of the Superannuation/Pension account
    • For personal contributions, the Personal contribution box should be ticked
    • For spousal contributions, the Spouse contribution box should be ticked
    • Value of assets
    • Form signed by the owner of the account.
  2. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for same asset to be transferred and completed with the following: 
    • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
    • Seller: name of the account held with the Fund Manager, and signed by the directors/trustees 
    • Investor ID/Number of the client’s holding in the asset, written under the Seller’s name
    • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
    • Consideration: NCBO.
  3. And if assets are being contributed from a trust, company or spouse account, we'll also require:
Trust AccountCompany AccountSpouse Account

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, showing the change in legal ownership and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the external account and signed by the owners of the external account
  • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Consideration: NCBO

2. Signed letter from the trustees/executors of the Trust, stating the following:

  • The in-specie transfer of asset(s) is a distribution to the member and;
  • The member has instructed the trustees of the trust to direct the distribution into their super account as a personal contribution

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, showing the change in legal ownership and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the external account and signed by the owners of the external account
  • Buyer: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Consideration: NCBO

2. Signed letter from the trustees/executors of the Trust, stating the following:

  • The in-specie transfer of assets is a personal contribution being made on behalf of the member at their direction
  • The member is entitled to the assets and it has been correctly classified as an after-tax contribution

Personal contribution:

1. Signed letter from the Spouse with the following statement: 'I confirm that the funds are being contributed on behalf of the receiving member as an after-tax personal contribution.' This letter may be scanned and sent via email.

Spouse contribution:

No further requirements

More information

The external platform will generate additional ASTFs required to transfer the managed funds, which will be sent to us to sign and used to facilitate the transfer with the Fund Managers.

What to do once you’ve completed the paperwork

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties, please upload via Request Centre to ensure you can track your request. Otherwise, you may email documentation to

For any original documentation required (as noted in the above) please mail to: 

TRN: <Case Reference #>
Attn: Asset Transfers 
GPO Box 3154

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