Getting started

You can transfer the following investment options from your Investment account: 

  • Securities and/or Managed funds to an external platform or custodian
  • Managed funds to direct holdings
  • Securities to broker sponsored holdings
  • Securities to issuer sponsored holdings.

Products unable to transfer out to external source:

  • All super and pension accounts.

Transfer out managed funds and/or securities to an external platform or custodian

  1. The assets must be available on the applicable investment menu of the external platform/custodian
  2. Please contact the platform/custodian, and provide them with any documents/information required to receive the transfer on their end.
No Change in Beneficial OwnershipChange in Beneficial OwnershipChange in Legal Ownership

For full transfer: Account closure form with asset transfer section completed with the following:

  • Client’s account name and number of account with external platform
  • Confirmation of external platform registration name and mailing address
  • Form signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the account

For partial transfer: Letter of instruction completed with the following:

  • Client’s account name and number of account with external platform
  • Confirmation of external platform registration name and mailing address
  • List of assets and number of units to be transferred
  • Signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the account

1. Letter of instruction completed with the following:

  • Client’s account name and number of account with external platform
  • Confirmation of external platform registration name and mailing address
  • List of assets and number of units to be transferred
  • Signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the account.

2. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and/or Security code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the client’s account (including account number) and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the account
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account
  • The consideration value.

1. Letter of instruction completed with the following:

  • Client’s account name and number of account with external platform
  • Confirmation of external platform registration name and mailing address
  • List of assets and number of units to be transferred
  • Signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the account.

2. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and/or Security code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the client’s account (including account number) and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the account
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account.
  • Consideration: NCBO
  • We will generate additional ASTFs as required to transfer the Managed Funds, which will be sent to the external platform/custodian to sign and used to facilitate the transfer with the Fund Managers
  • Unless stated otherwise or unless the funds are currently terminating funds, it's assumed that the external platform/custodian will accept all funds.

Transfer out managed funds to direct holdings

If an account needs to be opened with the Fund Manager, please also include the following:

  • Original Application form for each asset/Fund Manager. This is to be obtained directly from the Fund Manager and completed in full, or
  • The Investor number held with each Fund Manager if the account has already been opened
  • Any supporting documentation, such as Identification or AML documentation required (eg OCC Photo ID, OCC Trust Deed, ASIC extract, etc) as stated on the application form.
No Change in Beneficial OwnershipChange in Beneficial OwnershipChange in Legal Ownership

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset being transferred and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account
  • If account already opened with Fund Manager: Investor number of external account written under Buyer’s name
  • Consideration: NCBO

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset being transferred and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account
  • If account already opened with Fund Manager: Investor number of external account written under Buyer’s name
  • The consideration value.

2. Additional original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset being transferred and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the client's Wrap account (including account number) and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the Wrap account
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account
  • If account already opened with Fund Manager: Investor number of external account written under Buyer’s name
  • The consideration value.

1. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset being transferred and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: Bond Street Custodians Ltd (include client’s account number), and signature section left blank for us to complete
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account
  • If account already opened with Fund Manager: Investor number of external account written under Buyer’s name
  • Consideration: NCBO

2. Additional original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset being transferred and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, APIR code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the client's Wrap account (including account number) and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the Wrap account
  • Buyer: name of the external account and signed by the trustees/directors/owners of the external account
  • If account already opened with Fund Manager: Investor number of external account written under Buyer’s name
  • Consideration: NCBO
  • The adviser will need to confirm with the Fund Manager that the minimum investment amount is met, before providing transfer documents
  • For transfers to two or more different Fund Managers, one set of ID/AML documentation must be provided for each application. This will also apply where separate applications for funds with the same Fund Manager, are required (i.e. if each fund has its own fund-specific application form).

Transfer out securities to issuer-sponsored holdings

  • When transferring assets out to Issuer-Sponsored Holdings, each asset will be transferred to be held with its issuing share registry, under the registration name and address listed on the instruction provided for the transfer. Once the transfer is complete, a Holding Statement for each asset, will be sent to the registered address, detailing the asset, the number of units and the new SRN for the client’s holding with the share registry
  • If the receiving client already has an SRN for a particular asset with the share registry, the relevant asset can be transferred to this same SRN. To do this, the SRN will need to be provided on the signed instruction, in addition to the registered name and address.
No Change in Beneficial OwnershipChange in Beneficial OwnershipChange in Legal Ownership

For full transfer: Account closure form with asset transfer section completed with the following:

  • Desired registration name and address under which the assets will be held, including state and postcode
  • Signed by the account holder/s

For partial transfer: Letter of instruction completed with the following:

  • Request to transfer assets to be held under issuer holdings/with the share registry
  • List of assets and number of units to be transferred
  • Desired registration name and address under which the assets will be held, including state and postcode
  • Signed by the account holder/s

1. Letter of instruction, completed with the following:

  • Request to transfer assets to be held under issuer holdings/with the share registry
  • List of assets and number of units to be transferred
  • Desired registration name and address under which the assets will be held, including state and postcode
  • Signed by the account holder/s

2. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, Security code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the client’s account (including account number) and signed by the account holder/s
  • Buyer: desired registration name and signed by the account holder/s.
  • The consideration value.

1. Letter of instruction, completed with the following:

  • Request to transfer assets to be held under issuer holdings/with the share registry
  • List of assets and number of units to be transferred
  • Desired registration name and address under which the assets will be held, including state and postcode
  • Signed by the account holder/s

2. Original Australian Standard Transfer form for each asset to be transferred, and completed with the following:

  • Asset name, Security code and number of units to be transferred
  • Seller: name of the client’s account (including account number) and signed by the account holder/s
  • Buyer: desired registration name and signed by the account holder/s.
  • Consideration: NCBO

What to do once you've completed paperwork

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties, please upload via Request Centre to ensure you can track your request. Otherwise, you may email documentation to

For any original documentation required (as noted in the above) please mail to:  

TRN: <Case Reference #>
Attn: Asset Transfers 
GPO Box 3154

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