Reasons why it's not working

Some common reasons why Adviser Initated Payments (AIP) may not work are: 

  • Authorisers with missing or incorrect mobile details
  • Invalid secure codes
  • The account needs more than two approvers
  • The account has exceeded daily pay limits
  • Your client’s Access Code is currently locked.

Mobile details

An SMS security code must be sent to your client to authorise an AIP. If your client's mobile number on record with us is out of date or incorrect, you won’t be able to send an SMS secure code to them. 

If your client isn’t receiving the SMS secure code, ensure their details are up to date. Your clients can simply call us on 1800 893 141 to make any changes.

Incorrect SMS secure code

You won’t be able to authorise the AIP until you’ve verbally received a valid code from your client. The SMS secure code will be valid until midnight the following business day. Once your client provides the SMS secure code to you, you’ll be able to authorise the payment. For more information see Adviser Initiated Payments.

Unable to send SMS secure code

If your client's Access Code  is locked you'll see an error message on the screen in Adviser Online when trying to send them a SMS secure code. 

You can find more information to help them unlock their Access Code.

Once your clients Access Code has been unlocked, they’ll be able to receive SMS secure codes. 

If your client is still experiencing issues unlocking their Access Code, please call us on 1800 893 141.

More than two authorisers

You can’t make AIP for accounts that require more than two authorisers. If an account needs more than two authorisers, your client will need to initiate and authorise payments themselves, either with a manual withdrawal form or online via the Client Portal.

Missing account approvers

If your client requires dual authorisation, the payment authorisation will be automatically sent to each authoriser once you navigate to the Send payment page. 

Exceeding daily pay limits

AIP can’t be created if payments exceed the daily pay limits: 

  • PayAnyone payments exceeding $500,000 processed in the same business day
  • BPAY® billers have payment limits. Check with the biller to find out if limits apply.

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