Types of fee reports you can download

  • Remuneration report
  • Client report and fee summary
  • Client account details report.

To download reports:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Reporting under the Adviser Online icon and then Client & adviser reporting
  3. Select the type of account report you need (e.g. run report for an investment account)
  4. Search for the account by using the account name or number
  5. Set the date range
  6. Tick the box next to the report you want and select how you want to view it
  7. Click Generate.

Remuneration report

The remuneration report includes data on the:

  • fees collected from clients and paid to you, including a breakdown of adviser fees charged on asset classes where these fee types are used
  • fees collected from clients and paid to us
  • average account balances of your clients.

This report may be compatible with some revenue management systems (e.g. XPLAN).

If you’ve configured software to read the remuneration report, any changes to the report may require you to update your software. If you need to update your software, we recommend you reach out to your provider(s), so the correct fields are captured and stored.

To access the remuneration report:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Reporting under the Adviser Online icon and then Client & adviser reporting
  3. Select Download files
  4. Select Download adviser reports
  5. Under the adviser drop-down, select the adviser
  6. Under the report name drop-down, select Remuneration Report
  7. Select the period
  8. Select Download.
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