What a fee summary shows

You can generate a fee summary in Adviser Online. This will give you an overview of your client’s fees including their:

  • adviser fees
  • admin fees
  • fee exclusions
  • group details
  • group name
  • Advice Fee Consent (AFC) fee arrangement details.

You can also find the AFC form from the fee summary page. 

Generate a fee summary

To see your client’s fee summary profile:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Search for an account using the global search bar
  3. Click the Fees tab
  4. Click the Fees profile tab.

See fees as dollar amounts

The fee profile shows your client’s fee tiers. You can view their fees as a dollar amount by downloading a Fee Statement from the Fees tab.

  1. Click Fee Statement
  2. Your client information will pre-populate
  3. You can then Download or Print the fee statement.
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