BPAY codes

The BPAY® codes for all current Wrap products can be found in the relevant offer document, available here:

Wrap product codes

The product codes for the Voyage and Grow Wrap products are:

  • IC - Grow Wrap Investment Service
  • PC - Grow Wrap Pension Service
  • SC - Grow Wrap Super Service
  • IM - Voyage Investment Service
  • AP - Voyage Superannuation Master Trust - Pension Division
  • SP - Voyage Superannuation Master Trust - Superannuation and Rollover Division
  • TA - Voyage Term Allocated Pension / PortfolioOne Term Allocated Pension Service.

You can see product names and codes on all client reporting and online screens. These product names and codes can be used to help determine which product your client is using.

Unique Superannuation Identifiers

Please refer to USI and ABN details.

For more information, see the Voyage Superannuation Master Trust or Grow Wrap Super and Pension Service PDS.  

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

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