Add other assets

You can add other assets to a portfolio in the Wrap Adviser Portal by following the below steps: 

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Go to and click Wrap Online from the left-hand menu
  3. Select Administration
  4. Select Maintain an investment account
  5. Enter the account Name or Number
  6. Select Enter or Maintain other assets
  7. Complete all the required fields
  8. Click Add.

Reverse other asset transactions

You can reverse other asset transactions in the Wrap Adviser Portal by following the below steps: 

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Go to and click Wrap Online from the left-hand menu
  3. Select Administration
  4. Select Maintain an investment account
  5. Enter the account Name or Number
  6. Select Enter or Maintain other assets
  7. Select the other asset
  8. Select Delete
  9. Select Yes.
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