Why nominate an account?

You can avoid daily transfer limits and use the Automatic Income Redirection feature by nominating your client’s bank account. 

Add a new nominated account

Your client can call us and add a nominated account over the phone.  

Alternatively, you can ​use the Account Nomination form to link a new or additional nominated bank account. You can find this form by searching for 'Account Nomination' on Adviser Tools.

They can also provide a signed request stating whether they want the nominated account to be an additional account, replace the existing nominated account, or update for pension payments only. 

Please note we'll contact your client to verify the request before processing. 

Delete a nominated account

We can delete or remove a nominated account once we receive one of the below:

  • A signed request from the client provided via email or mail
  • A verbal confirmation from the client
  • An email from an adviser or staff member with full transact authority.
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