Why we use screen sharing

Screen sharing assistance is a service that allows our consultants to view the contents of your screen and help you with any problems you may be facing while using Adviser Online.

When our consultant is viewing your browser contents, their view will be limited to Adviser Online content only.

Start a screen sharing session

You can initiate a screen sharing session through Adviser Online without needing to install additional software.

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. From the side menu hover your mouse over Help, then click Screen sharing assistance
  3. Click Start to generate your four-digit one-time secure code. If you’re not already on a call with a consultant, please call the number displayed
  4. Provide the unique four-digit one-time secure code to our consultant
  5. Once our consultant has entered the secure code and a session has successfully started, they can view your browser contents
  6. Click End session in the blue bar at the top of the screen to end your screen sharing session. Please note if you Log out of Adviser Online, your screen share session will be automatically ended
  7. Once the screen sharing session has ended, your browser’s contents will no longer be visible to the consultant assisting you.

Functionality available during a screen share session

Once you’ve initiated a screen share session, you’ll have the following functionality available to you:

  • Set screen size – Click the laptop icon in the top right-hand corner on the grey bar, to set your screen size preference. By default, the screen share will fit to your screen, however you can click the second option to adjust your view to the consultant's screen size. Any screen size changes will be reflected to the consultant you’re sharing your screen with. 
  • Enter drawing mode – If you want to draw attention to something on your screen, you can enter drawing mode, by selecting the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner on the grey bar. Your cursor will become a red pencil (to distinguish from the consultant’s blue pencil), allowing you to mark your screen. Any drawing you do will appear for the consultant you are sharing with, and then will disappear after a few seconds. 
  • Navigate to a new tab – While still in the screen sharing session, click the plus icon in the left-hand corner of the grey bar. Type in the URL you want to navigate to and click Go!

The consultant is limited to view/draw only – they can’t action a task for you. However, they can instruct you visually by using a blue drawing tool to draw attention to areas of your screen.

How we protect your privacy

Your screen sharing session is limited to the browser you initiated the session from and only allows us to see Adviser Online content only.

The consultant will also be prevented from seeing the following information in your Adviser Online browser:

  • Any characters you enter on the Update password screen, in security settings
  • Any digits of a tax file number that you enter when updating a client’s TFN
  • Your ESI authentication code and password when you activate ESI details.
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additional support, please contact us via live chat
or email service@wrapinvest.com.au.